The measures on releasing the citizens kidnapped and illegally detained in Georgia are taken in the RSO

Fri, 15/07/2011 - 12:14

The actions on releasing the kidnapped and illegally detained citizens of the RSO in Georgia are in the centre of attention of the department of the Plenipotentiary of the RSO President on post conflict settlement. It has been reported to the journalists by the head of the department Boris Chochiev. He has noted that this question is discussed within the frames of the Geneva discussions, and also at the meetings of mechanisms on prevention and reaction to incidents.

«I think that we have significant results, but we will consider them the positive ones when the last citizen of South Ossetia who is languishing in the Georgian prison, is released», - the Plenipotentiary has said. According to Chochiev, for today by direct participation of his personnel, in the course of the period from 2009 to 2011, 29 citizens of the RSO have been released from the Georgian prisons without taking into consideration those 45 citizens of our republic who have been transferred after the war of 2008. Before the Georgian aggression many of them had been pining in the Georgian prison

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