The new university campus is being constructed in South Ossetia

Sat, 15/10/2011 - 13:21

The Ministry of Сapital, Road building and Architecture of South Ossetia has started constructing the new university campus. As informed by the Minister for Сapital, Road building and Architecture Chermen Khugaev, the ten hectares built-up area, located to the north of Tskhinval, has been completely bulldozed, the old buildings are demolished, trees are cut down and stubbed. «The vertical lay-out is already made, now we are going to build the foundation. The foundation ditch is ready, and at present preparatory works are being carried out for foundation pour», - the Minister has told. He has noted that at present the builders are changing the course of the river The Big Liakhva, which is flowing near the building site. «Now we are diverting the river course aside, slightly below the university campus. It means that we will cast it concrete, like a channel, we will build falls and decorate it beautifully. We are also going to build the small quay between the university and the micro-district "Sunny"», - the Minister has added. Khugaev has informed that in 2011 150 million roubles were allocated for constructing the university campus, 49 million of them are earmarked for design and exploratory work, and the rest sum the builders plan to draw by the end of the year. The minister has noted, that the contracting building organization is the North Ossetian firm "Inter-Ross"; the project is planned to be completed by 2013. It should be reminded, that the first foundation stone of the university campus was laid on September, 20, 2011. According to the project, it will be the modern comfortable complex combining educational building of the university with library and a reading room, athletic fields, premises for organizing cultural events and leisure of students.

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