The Zar tragedy has been commemorated in South Ossetia

Sun, 20/05/2012 - 19:59

Today South Ossetia is marking one of the most tragic dates in the history of the Republic - the day of the Zar tragedy. Exactly 20 years ago a convoy of refugees - South Ossetian civilians, fleeing from the war along the «lifeline», was attacked by the Georgian armed thugs, who shot point-blank the women, children and old people. Ossetia was shocked by unprecedented brutality and cynicism of the Georgian murderers who had not spared even the 12-year-old child, finishing him off by "checking shot". 36 Ossetians became the victims of this tragedy; among them there were two children, ten women and eight old people.

Mourning ceremonies, dedicated to this tragic date, have been held today all over the Republic. The mourning meeting was conducted at the place of death of the refugees on the Zar Road. Hundreds of residents of South Ossetia gathered at the monument to the victims of the tragedy, to pay tribute to victims of the Zar tragedy. Among them were representatives of the Republic headed by President Leonid Tibilov, the intellectuals and the public, representatives of the Border Control Agency of FSS of Russia in South Ossetia, the fourth Russian military base, embassy of Russia in South Ossetia, the priests of the Alanian diocese, students, schoolchildren, as well as relatives and friends of the victims. Under the mourning music people laid wreaths at the monument, lit candles and prayed for the souls of the brutally murdered 36 Ossetians. Opening the memorial meeting, the deputy of the first convocation of the parliament, a lecturer of the South-Ossetian State University Zoya Bitarti noted that the Zar tragedy had caused pain in the hearts of every citizen of South Ossetia;each plot of the Ossetian land had shuddered at this terrible news.
"Until now, I see the picture before my eyes, when that ill-fated truck brought the bodies to the morgue. When the truck`s body was opened, blood poured out, the blood of our compatriots, who had paid for their Ossetian origin. The whole Ossetia was moaning then, it was a national grief. The Zar tragedy will be forever in our hearts, as the evidence of cruelty and hatred that has no analogues in the world "- said Bitarti.
At 12:03 sharp- the time of the attack of the killers - the participants of the meeting paid tribute to the blessed memory of the 36 innocently killed Ossetians – it was declared a nationwide minute of memory and grief. President of the Republic Leonid Tibilov addressed the people. He has stressed that there are a lot of bitter and tragic dates in the history of the Ossetian people, "but the Zar tragedy differs from all others by its senseless brutality and cynicism."
"Over the last two decades we have suffered a lot of hardship, have experienced many losses - he recalled. - The Republic was in the political, economic and information blockade. The history of the Republic was regularly replenishing with tragic events and dates. But even against this grim, bleak picture the Zar tragedy has remained in our memory as a symbol of evil and inhumanity. The entire progressive part of mankind was shocked by this tragedy. The pain of loss is immeasurable; it will never subside in our hearts."
The President has said, that today Ossetia is commemorating not only the victims of the Zar tragedy, but also all those sons and daughters of Ossetia, as well as the Russian soldiers, killed by the Georgian fascists.
"But tough times, hard sufferings have to unite us. We must be next to each other, because we know that even today a serious threat exists on the part of our so-called neighbors. We know that strong arming of the army is taking place in Georgia, so we need to come together, because only together we can resist the threat to our peaceful life, "- the president added.
The dean of the Tskhinval churches, priest Jakov has also made a speech; he prayed for the souls of the victims of the Zar tragedy. Telegrams of condolences, received by the President of South Ossetia from different countries have also been read out at the commemorating meeting.

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