The Alan community of the Vladimir region is holding a scientific- practical Forum

Sun, 14/03/2021 - 23:14

The scientific-practical Forum "ALANIA 21st century" is being held by the Alan community of the Vladimir region, the head of the community Alan Khasiev, who is the moderator of the Forum, told the IA "Res".

He has noted that the purpose of the Forum is to unite all Alans, who have intellectual, organizational and other resources, to discuss and practical implementation of projects, programs and solutions for socio-economic development of the North and South of Alania and the Alanian diaspora.

The Alan community of the Vladimir region held the first conference in the direction of "Preservation of the Alan people" in online format at the end of February with the assistance of the Ministry of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania for national relations. The issues of preservation of the Alanian people, the development of language and culture were discussed. Leading experts and representatives of the Alanian diaspora from Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Murom, Vladikavkaz, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Germany took part in it.

The presented projects were prepared by graduates of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. and have already been discussed at the conference of the Alan community of the Vladimir region on November 4, 2020.

At the first conference, 23 projects were approved for implementation on the principles of solidarity of civil society, government and business. According to them, an expert council, the necessary organizational, information and financial resources will be formed.

Alan Khasiev noted that: “the great Russian civilization, which unites peoples and creates opportunities for their all-round development and prosperity, attracts other countries and nations. For many in the modern world, it is Russia that is the cultural, moral and moral leader of humanity as opposed to destructive and extremist forces. "

“The Alanian ecumene is an organic component of the Great Russian civilization and is at the forefront of the fight against international terrorism, national fascism, hegemonism and expansionism. The goal of the ALANIA 21st Century Forum is to initiate and implement socially significant programs, projects and solutions,” he explained.

On March 5, the second conference of the Forum "ALANIA 21st century" took place in the direction: "Economy. Investments. Workplaces". The conference was attended by experts and representatives of the Alan diaspora from 11 regions of Russia, as well as from Germany.

“The peculiarity of the conference was the consideration of socio-economic development of the Alanian people in a single system “North and South of Alania and the Diaspora”. The key attention was paid to the issues of practical implementation of the provisions of the Treaty on Alliance and Integration between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia - the State of Alania,” Khasiev said.

As follows from the message for the media spread after the conference, “the need was substantiated for the active use of the potential of a positive attitude towards the North and South of Alania and the Alan people on the part of the population and authorities of the Russian regions and the establishment of direct horizontal economic ties with the regions of the Russian Federation, including:

- the conclusion of agreements on cooperation with the administrations of the regions of Russia in socio-economic and cultural spheres, the transfer of mutual supplies of goods, services, investments, joint businesses, cultural, sports, tourism and other ties on a systemic basis.

- development of the movement of twinning between cities and regions of the North and South of Alania, and cities and regions of Russia and other countries.

- development of systemic solutions to improve the effectiveness of promoting the interests of the North and South of Alania and the Diaspora in federal authorities, authorities in the regions of Russia and other countries, including through the institutions of representative offices, national cultural autonomies, participation in the work of federal and regional industry associations, expert tips.

The conference participants spoke in favor of signing additional agreements to ensure the economic and environmental interests of the North and South of Alania, including in terms of customs transit.

The necessity was justified to attract the largest corporations of Russia, carrying out large programs for the resort and sanatorium rehabilitation of their employees, to the development of the Dzau and other climatic and recreational clusters.

Environmental studies have shown that the South of Alanya is the ecological standard of the planet and this creates opportunities for a significant expansion of the use of natural and tourist resources, sources of mineral water.

It is possible not only the speedy restoration of sanatoriums in Dzau district, but also the construction of new boarding houses and rest houses throughout the North and South of Alanya.

“A separate point,” Khasiev continued, “was the implementation of the “Week in Alania” program, when each of the diaspora visits Alania at least once a year, as well as attracting residents of the regions of Russia and other countries to the programs “Relax in Alania”, “Travel in Alanya ",

" Treat in Alanya "," Orthodox Alania ", "Hunting tourism in Alanya", year-round holding of festivals, competitions, forums, sports competitions of all levels. "

Particular attention was paid to realization of the potential of agriculture, including horticulture and vegetable growing, as well as mountain meadows and pastures in the South of Alanya in the direction of distant pasture farming.

For a special separate study and development, the following questions were highlighted:

- Economic use of the Dzuarikau - Tskhinvali gas pipeline. Prospects for investments in gas chemistry projects. Creation of a recycling economy.

- Involvement of Russian state corporations in the development of Kwaisa and other deposits in Alania.

- Implementation of the strategy of promoting Alanian national brands in the Russian and world markets.

Given that in order to combat the spread of the new coronavirus infection in Vladimir, restrictive measures are in force and it is prohibited to hold any public events, the Forum is held in an online format.

The third conference will be held on March 19, projects will be discussed in the direction: “Alania and the world. Civil society. Communications".

Based on the results and conclusions of the conferences, projects and programs supported for practical implementation, dialogue meetings and press conferences with representatives of the public, authorities, business and the media will be held.

In the future, it is planned to make the Forum "ALANIA 21st Century" a permanent platform for solving urgent socio-economic problems on the principles of solidarity of civil society, government and business.

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