RSO Parliament Presidium sitting
A sitting of the RSO Parliament Presidium chaired by Stanislav Kochiev, the Speaker, took place. The sitting was opened by Stanislav Kochiev who insisted that local media is informed on a quarterly basis about the MPs’ attendance. Then, the MPs proceeded with discussing the agenda.
The first point for discussion was the Law “On ratification of the 1st additional protocol to the Treaty between South Ossetia and Transdnestria on friendship and cooperation signed in Tskhinval on 16 June 2009”. Yury Dzitsoity, the Parliament vice-Speaker spoke on the issue. He stressed that despite the fact that Transdnestria had not recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia “we will continue our cooperation, both at political and economic levels, as well as in other spheres.” It was decided to ratify the Treaty at the next session of the RSO Parliament.