

Tue, 18/10/2011 - 17:44

Children's film festival will be held in South Ossetia

The film festival for teenagers and youth, which traditionally has been taking place in Moscow, will be held in Tskhinval this year. As informed by the press-service of the president and the government of the RSO to the news agency "RES", today the President of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has conducted the working meeting concerning the film festival organization. The head of the state has called the responsible authorities to assume all the measures this festival to be arranged at the highest level.

Tue, 18/10/2011 - 12:23

Representatives of the Ossetian People`s Front have joined the Political Bureau and the International Committee «International Russia»

Representatives of the Coordination Council of the Ossetian People`s Front «Russia - Ossetia» have been chosen into the Political Bureau and the International Committee of the international movement «International Russia». The press-service of the Ossetian People`s Front has informed IA RES about this. «During the congress of the international initiative «International Russia», held on October, 15, one of the initiators of establishment of the Ossetian People`s Front «Russia - Ossetia», the Chairman of the RSO People`s Party Kazimir Pliev was selected into the Political bureau IR», - has been informed at the Front press-service.


Sat, 15/10/2011 - 15:32

The South-Ossetian sportsmen-dominos players will take part in the World Championship

The sportsmen-dominos players from Tskhinval have gone to Abkhazia for participation in the forthcoming Eighth World team individual championship on dominos. As informed by the trainer of the South-Ossetian team Mirian Dzhioev to the IA RES, «our team has included Harry Valiev, George Bagaev, Igor Guchmazov and Tamerlan Kabulov. The tournament will be conducted from October, 17 to October, 21st, 2011 in Sukhum, but we are going to depart earlier in order to conduct some joint lessons with the Abkhazian sportsmen, who have a wide experience, - Dzhioev has told.

The Central Election Committee of the RSO has registered four candidates and has also refused registration of four candidates

Today the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia has registered the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the RSO Alan Pliev, Eduard Gabaraev (artillery commander of the Ministry of Defence of the RSO), Igor Alborov (the Deputy Minister of Defence of the RSO) and Inal Bazzaev (the deputy of the Parliament of the RSO) as the presidential candidates.

Sat, 15/10/2011 - 13:23

Problems of safety and cooperation will be discussed at the conference in Vladikavkaz

The international conference «Russia and Transcaucasia: safety and cooperation problems», will be opened today in Vladikavkaz. The organizers of the conference are: the Vladikavkaz Institute of Management together with the Center of informational technologies «Intellectual resources» of the Republic of South Ossetia, with financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the RSO; it will be conducted within two days from October, 14 to October, 15.

Sat, 15/10/2011 - 13:22

The Day of Culture of South Ossetia is being conducted in Pyatigorsk

Within the limits of celebrating the Day of Culture of South Ossetia in the Stavropol Territory, timed to birthday of the founder of the Ossetian literary language Kosta Khetagurov, two exhibitions will be opened today in the city of Pyatigorsk. As the organizer of the celebratory actions, the director of the House of national cultures of Pyatigorsk Emma Beteeva-Dzitsieva has phoned to the news agency "RES", the celebration will begin with opening the children's exhibition «Children of Tskhinval are drawing».

Sat, 15/10/2011 - 13:21

The new university campus is being constructed in South Ossetia

The Ministry of Сapital, Road building and Architecture of South Ossetia has started constructing the new university campus. As informed by the Minister for Сapital, Road building and Architecture Chermen Khugaev, the ten hectares built-up area, located to the north of Tskhinval, has been completely bulldozed, the old buildings are demolished, trees are cut down and stubbed. «The vertical lay-out is already made, now we are going to build the foundation. The foundation ditch is ready, and at present preparatory works are being carried out for foundation pour», - the Minister has told.


Fri, 14/10/2011 - 18:21

Dzhambolat Tedeev is taken off the territory of South Ossetia to Russia

The head coach of the Russian national team on free-style wrestling Dzhambolat Tedeev is taken off the territory of South Ossetia tothe Russian Federation, under escort of the employees of the State security of the RSO. As informed by the Press Secretary of the President of the RSO Tamara Kelekhsaeva to IA RES, Dzhambolat Tedeev, in violation of all the agreements, has been aggravating a situation in South Ossetia on the eve of the presidential elections, involving the well-known Russian sportsmen in the political events.
