The Georgian side artificially continues creating intensity in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict

Fri, 09/03/2007 - 12:59

The Georgian side artificially continues creating intensity in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict. So, late at night yesterday, on the way through the Georgian settlements the illegal Georgian posts have tried to detain Boris Chochiev, the co-chairman of JCC from the south-ossetian party, having a diplomatic immunity. Boris Chochiev went to Dzhava region and was accompanied by the peacemakers and the military observers. The incident has been settled only after the interference of the head of the Mission of OSCE in Tskhinval Bozhidar Dimitrov and the co-chairman of JCC from the Georgian party Merab Antadze.
It is necessary to note, that the south-ossetian authorities have never interfered with the movement of Merab Antadze in the zone of the conflict.
Making comments on the incident, Boris Chochiev has noted, that "such kind of actions have an illegal character, demonstrate the ignoring by the Georgian party of the earlier reached arrangements and aggravate the intensity. Here would not have been such cases if only legal posts were at these sites of the road".

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