South Ossetia once again stated the need to remove the post in Uista and delimitate the state border with Georgia


The South Ossetian party, at the meeting within the IPRM, once again pointed out the need to remove the Georgian police post from the territory of the village of Uista in South Ossetia, the head of the Republic’s delegation at the meetings in the format of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms, Egor Kochiev, said.

He has noted that since the previous meeting within the framework of the IPRM, no incidents related to this post had been recorded, however, the South Ossetian party each time points out the need to remove it.

“Speaking in this context, we always call on the Georgian party to sit down at the negotiating table to discuss the state border line, i.e. to begin the process of delimitation and subsequent demarcation of the state border. So far, there is no understanding on this issue from the Georgian party. They claim they won't even discuss it. We always answer that time will tell, and never say never,” Kochiev said.
The next IPRM meeting is scheduled for July 23.

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