Violation of the South Ossetian airspace and humanitarian issues were discussed at the meeting in the IPRM format


The flights of unmanned aerial vehicles, which continue to violate the airspace of the Republic, were raised by the South Ossetian party as part of the regular meeting in the format of Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms.

The head of the South Ossetian delegation, Yegor Kochiev, told reporters about this, commenting on the results of the 119th meeting in the village of Ergnet.

He noted that the ownership of these devices often cannot be determined.

“The Georgian party claims that South Ossetian drones are flying, but we have confirmation that these are the Georgian drones. It was recorded that Georgian police launched a quadcopter, but in this case it did not cross the airspace of South Ossetia,” Kochiev said.

The head of the delegation has reminded that on April 26, a technical meeting was held under the auspices of the IPRM, at which the issue of supplying irrigation water through the Tiripon Canal was discussed.

“Thanks to these negotiations, residents of the villages located in the Tsinagar zone received irrigation water. Today we have discussed this topic again. One could say we synchronized our watches. The Georgian side is ready to receive irrigation water, and the South Ossetian side is ready to supply it,” he has noted.

According to Kochiev, the Georgian party has assured that Tsinagar will receive water, and probably also distant villages, in particular Orchosan and Abreu.

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